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Our Services

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Grief Support


Holding a funeral or memorial service for your loved one is a positive first step in the grieving process. family members and friends get a chance to say their goodbyes, and at the same time, they get to share strong feelings with one another.


in the days, weeks and months following the service, people continue to need others to lean on for understanding, encouragement and guidance. For that reason, many local and national support groups have formed. These groups provide a common place and a comforting environment for expressing emotions through each phase of the grieving process. To learn more, click on the links below, or discuss grief counseling and support options with your funeral director.

Grief Counseling


Dickey Brothers Memorial Funeral Home Bereavement and Grief Assistance Services.


Bereavement refers specifically to the process of recovering from the death of a loved one. Grief, on the other hand, is a reaction to any form of loss. Both encompass a range of feelings from deep sadness to anger, and the process of adapting to a significant loss can vary dramatically from one person to another, depending on his or her background, beliefs, relationship to what was lost, and other factors.   Life is oh so very fragile. At any moment our life can be turned upside down by the loss of a loved one. If you are suffering from a loss, we will support you and offer you a safe place in which to express your grief and release that which needs to be released without any judgment whatsoever. Our approach is based on an understanding of the dynamics of loss, combined with our own experience in handling loss in our lives.  Why is this so important? This is important because the only thing predictable about grief and loss is it's unpredictability, and it can appear to have a life of  its own. Bereavement and Grief are different for everyone, and can be extremely difficult and painful to manage. We will help you to gain awareness of the process of grief and loss, and develop healthy life coping strategies to respond to intense, difficult and unpleasant feelings. Knowing that you are not alone can make something that is very difficult, less difficult to deal with.  Knowing that we are here to assist you on this journey of your life for this particular season will give you the assurance in knowing that “This too shall pass!” 


Grief Counselor and Spiritual Leadership Team is comprised of Leader, Rev. John H. Whitfield, pastor off the Morning Star Baptist Church, Gulfport, Mississippi, Rev. Hubert Jackson of the Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church, and Pastor Larry Hawkins of the Union Baptist Church, Pascagoula, Mississippi, and a host of other ministers.



Ask for a Life Insurance Quote on our Family Protection Plans at Dickey Brothers Memorial Funeral Home Underwritten by Gulf Guaranty Life Insurance Company, 

Capitol Life Insurance, American Benefits for Life Insurance & Preneed.


Your local agent is Pamela M. Dickey. We offer face amounts of $1,000 to $10,000.

You may contact Pamela M. Dickey at 228-436-6589.

Our Staff


The staff at Dickey Brothers Memorial Funeral Home is family owned and operated.  We have been serving families along the Mississippi Gulf Coast and the entire state of Mississippi since 1959.


Our staff members are caring and experienced professionals who understand that each family is unique in their personal requests and traditions.  It is our aim to treat every family with the utmost dignity, professionalism, and compassion.


We value your trust in us, and we are committed to serving you and your family during your time of need.

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